Welcome to
our low-carbon future
Mitigating the Environmental Cost of Industry
Azuli International finds, funds and delivers projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions at pace and at scale.
How do we reduce emissions rapidly to achieve net-zero commitments, and still meet global demands?
As the major source of global emissions, industry and, in particular, the energy sector, holds the key to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.
Azuli International has an ambitious portfolio of projects to tackle climate change by dealing with large quantities of CO2 emissions from industrial plants and other hard-to-decarbonize sectors.
Azuli brings together the varied expertise, experience and funding to deliver carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects.
What is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)?
4-minute Explainer Video
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a versatile climate technology that tackles industrial emissions. This explainer video provides a high-level overview on how CCS works and why the technology is vital in achieving a net-zero transition.
(video from the Global CCS Institute
A Strategic Four-Pronged Approach
Exploration, Subsurface and CCUS Expertise
Energy Transition Thought Leaders
Pioneering Commercial Constructs
World-Class Project Implementation
Leveraging Azuli leverages deep technical and commercial experience to bring together investors, regulators, operators, governmentsgovernments, and stakeholders in complex interdependent projects.
Applying We apply traditional basin analysis and play fairway analysis to find and verify the best CO2 storage sites and robust transport infrastructure projects.
The Azuli team are drawn from a variety of backgrounds, with the experience and expertise needed to innovate and create value by pairing carbon dioxide emitters with the most economically viable secure sinks.
We provide strategic consultancy, policy advice and practical solutions to governments and businesses on: CCS; Blue Hydrogen and Green Hydrogen; Renewables; Low-carbon market evolution and more.
We invest our own capital and leverage investment from other strategic partners to fund major projects to deliver investible decarbonization projects.
The Azuli team delivers the right commercial architecture to de-risk complex, multiple interface projects in a range of global environments.
Our expertise and combined decades of project discipline experience enables us to provide effective, efficient project execution.
We deliver cost-efficient projects by forming trusted, innovative relationships with strategic EPC contractors and energy service partners.
World-Class Leaders
Subsurface and Engineering Excellence
Azuli’s team of leading low-carbon professionals have a deep understanding of CO2 behaviour and world-class geoscience and frontier exploration skills – taking a new look at old basins & dry holes, integrating technical excellence throughout the full chain.
FOAK Deal Development Expertise
We have wide expertise in developing complex, bankable value chain projects, allocating risk fairly and sustainably to those best placed to manage it.
Strategic economic modelling of multi-component hubs supports alignment of incentives along the low carbon value chain.
World Class Project Implementation Informed by Hands-on CCS Project Experience in the US
Azuli implements a gated process with rigorous criteria that binds capital expenditure to risk management & mitigation.
The team has developed strategic, long-term supply chain partnerships to accelerate the learning curve, simplify and standardize solutions.
with oil major subsurface, commercial and project expertise
Innovative and Novel Solutions
Building on the US CCS momentum, Azuli aims to be first movers on the rest of the world, building on their capabilities to identify the right locations, create the opportunities and deliver the projects.
The team designs the technical and commercial structures to integrate different industries within a decarbonization hub, creating Emitter Hub patterns.
Why Azuli International?
Interrogating the geology to identify the best CO2 stores proximal to emitters
Clear process to verify containment risk
Technical and commercial support
Policy support requirements
Enabling the overarching value chain
Subsurface & Reservoir Engineering
Bringing the best of super-major project experience
Managing risk effectively
Delivering cost-efficient projects through trusted relationships with contracting partners
Market evolution and contractual support structures
Green vs Blue Hydrogen
Carbon pricing evolution and context
Related market evolution and impact
Technical insight
Policy support requirement
Ensuring alignment and incentives along complex low-carbon value chains
Sustainable commercial constructs
Strategic economic modelling of multi-component hubs and financial engineering