Pioneering Carbon Capture and Storage in NW Australia

Enabling the decarbonisation of the

Asia Pacific (APAC) Region

At Azuli International, we are at the forefront of addressing global climate challenges by developing innovative solutions which target significant greenhouse gas reduction.

In collaboration with our strategic partner, deepC Store (dCS), we are excited to announce two groundbreaking CO2 storage projects located 200-250km offshore NW Australia in the Browse and Bonaparte Basins.

These sites represent the first 'pure-play,' potential gigaton-scale, carbon capture and storage (CCS) development options for Japan, Korea, Australia, and other Asia Pacific countries.

By ‘pure-play’ we mean that Azuli International is independent, have no oil or gas interest and can develop our CCS solutions to address the needs of hard to abate emitters.

Enabling the decarbonisation of the Asia Pacific Region

What makes Australia a strategic location for CCS development?

Australia has been a vital energy trading partner for North Asia for over half a century and is poised to play an enabling role in the region's journey towards decarbonisation. The scale of emissions in North Asia, especially from hard-to-abate industries, requires innovative and large-scale solutions. Our CO2 storage sites offer a promising path forward, leveraging Australia's strategic location and natural resources to provide a secure, scalable and cost-effective storage solution.


Australia is an ideal location for CCS development due to its vast geological saline aquifer formations with proven cap rocks suitable for safe permanent CO2 storage. The country’s existing energy infrastructure can be adapted for CCS operations, reducing development costs and schedule. Additionally, Australia's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and its supportive government policies create a favourable platform for CCS investment and innovation.

Enabling the decarbonisation of the Asia Pacific Region

Regional geological solutions

Australia’s unique geology, rich in fossil fuels and saline aquifers suitable for storing CO2 is in marked contrast to the geological strata and high natural seismicity of the North Western Pacific region which presents limited opportunities for large-scale CO2 storage. By capturing, liquefying, and transporting CO2 via established maritime routes, we aim to offer a robust solution to stranded ‘hard to abate’ industries in Japan, Australia, Korea and other APAC countries. This business model is well proven with the transportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) ships; a practice that has been successfully and safely used for decades.


Azuli and dCS acknowledge the First Nations people of the land on which we work. We pay respects to Traditional Custodians along with their Elders past, present, and future. Throughout the development of CStore1 we remain committed to working alongside First Nations peoples.


Enabling the decarbonisation of the Asia Pacific Region (APAC)

Greenhouse Permits for offshore Western Australia 

Azuli International and dCS have been awarded Greenhouse Gas permits G-13-AP and G-14-AP offshore Western Australia. These permits authorise us to explore and develop CCS solutions within these permits in the Bonaparte and Browse Basins. Here are the key characteristics of these exciting projects

Enabling the decarbonisation of the Asia Pacific Region

Why are the Browse and Bonaparte Basins ideal for CO2 storage?

The Browse and Bonaparte Basins offer several advantages for CO2 storage, including their geological formations, which are well-suited for long-term CO2 sequestration. These basins have extensive sedimentary layers with porous rocks that can safely contain CO2.

There are some legacy hydrocarbon exploration and field development activities which provides subsurface calibration and underpins our CCS development assumptions; but without the intensive historic activity which can present a challenge. Additionally, their offshore location provides easy access to established maritime routes for transporting CO2, making them strategic sites for CCS development.

Exploring the Bonaparte and Browse Basins

Bonaparte Basin

The Bonaparte Basin, located near Australia's North West Shelf, contains a diverse sedimentary succession. With a history of successful oil and gas exploration and production, this basin provides an opportunity to leverage proven reservoir-seal pairs for CCS development which means that there are well-understood opportunities for permanent geological storage of CO2. The active hydrocarbon exploration and field development activites that have taken place on this basin provides extensive well, seismic, and production history data.

Browse Basin

The Browse Basin is a relatively recent hydrocarbon development target, providing abundant modern well and seismic data which means that the subsurface is well-defined.

Our CCS projects leverage the Basin's extensive shelf margin storage capacity which offers significant cost and schedule advantage. We believe that appraisal drilling can proceed off the basis of legacy seismic and existing well data. Early drilling offers the potential to de-risk globally significant storage capacity – these sites are some of the highest ranking in Australia as assessed by Geoscience Australia.

Enabling the decarbonisation of the Asia Pacific Region

Strategic Partnerships

Azuli and dCS have entered into a Joint Study Agreement for a strategic partnership with J-Power, by which J-POWER intends to become a joint venture participant in the Greenhouse Gas storage permits.   to undertake a Joint Study of the sites to identify the optimal location for the first well.  J-Power will make a cash contribution for the joint study, which is for early work of this project, and secure rights to  participating interest in the joint venture that will further develop the Greenhouse Gas storage permits. This collaboration represents an important step for Japan and surrounding regions to benefit from CCS opportunities by exporting CO2 to Australia. Together, we are paving the way for a more sustainable future for the Asia Pacific region.

Our project plan encompasses the full value chain, including:

  • Liquefied CO2 (LCO2) Shipping: Transporting LCO2 from Japan or Korea to Australia.

  • Floating Storage and Injection Vessel: Receiving CO2 and conditioning. it for injection into subsea wells for secure storage deep in the subsurface.

This collaboration represents an important step for Japan to benefit from CCS opportunities by exporting CO2 to Australia.


Without any oil or gas production of our own, we are uniquely positioned to develop these assets to address the needs of our key customers — industrial emitters in Australia, Japan, and Korea.

Azuli and dCS are committed to working closely with our key supply chain partners, relevant government agencies, local communities, and key stakeholders to ensure the successful delivery of this project.

We believe that such collaboration is essential to achieving global environmental goals, advancing CCS technology and achieving our mission to support the decarbonisation of the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. This is an essential pillar to achieving global net-zero emissions. Together, we are paving the way for a more sustainable future.”

— Hamish Wilson, CEO of Azuli International

Frequently asked questions

Have a question about our latest project in North West Australia?

We’d love to hear it!

  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a technology designed to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced from industrial processes, such as power generation and manufacturing, and store them underground to prevent them from entering the atmosphere. CCS is a crucial tool in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change by providing a sustainable way to manage CO2 emissions from hard-to-abate industries.

  • Azuli International is at the forefront of developing innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. By partnering with deepC Store (dCS) and other strategic partners, we are exploring and developing carbon capture and storage projects in the Browse and Bonaparte Basins. Our projects aim to capture CO2 emissions from industrial sources in North Asia and store them safely underground, supporting the global transition to a low-carbon economy.

  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) provides a viable solution for ‘hard to abate’ industries in Japan and Korea to reduce their carbon footprint. By capturing CO2 emissions and transporting them to Australia for storage, these industries can continue their operations while meeting their respective governmental environmental targets. CCS also enhances energy security and contributes to global efforts to achieve net-zero emissions.

  • In CCS projects, CO2 is captured from industrial sources, compressed, and transported in liquid form to storage sites. For the Browse and Bonaparte Basins, CO2 will be transported via specialised ships along established maritime routes. These ships are designed to handle liquefied gases, ensuring the safe and efficient delivery of CO2 to storage locations, where it is injected into deep geological formations for permanent storage, over 1km deep below the seabed.

  • Azuli International prioritises safety and effectiveness in all its CCS projects. We conduct comprehensive geological surveys and risk assessments to select optimal storage sites. Our projects utilise advanced monitoring and verification systems to track CO2 movement and ensure storage integrity. By collaborating with leading research institutions and adhering to regulatory standards, we are committed to delivering safe and reliable CCS solutions.

  • Strategic partnerships are crucial for advancing CCS technology and achieving our environmental goals. By collaborating with industry leaders, government agencies, and research institutions, Azuli International can leverage expertise, share knowledge, and access resources to drive innovation in CCS technology. Partnerships with organisations like deepC Store and J-Power enhance our ability to develop scalable and sustainable CCS solutions.