AGIG and Azuli to work together to identify and develop CCS enabled solutions in Australia

Press Release: AGIG and Azuli to work together to identify and develop CCS enabled solutions in Australia

Azuli International (Azuli) is pleased to announce it has signed an extension to their Memorandum of Understanding with Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG), dated 30th December 2022, under which the two companies will work together to identify, evaluate and progress carbon capture and storage (CCS) project opportunities in Australia. CCS is a core strand of the energy transition to Net Zero targets, with onshore pipelines being a key component of any project.

Azuli is an independent CCS specialist company based in the UK, with a portfolio of global CCS opportunities including Australia, the UK, Continental Europe and the US. Azuli was recently launched by the management team that successfully set up Lapis Energy LP in the US, which had already secured leading positions in at least two opportunities in the Lower 48.  Azuli has offices in London, Houston and Perth, West Australia.


AGIG Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) is one of Australia’s largest gas infrastructure businesses with operations across every mainland state and the Northern Territory supplying approximately 2 million customers. Operations include ~40,000km of distribution and transmission gas pipelines, 60 petajoules of gas storage capacity, gas processing facilities and remote power generation.

The Parties intend to collaborate to identify and progress opportunities that may be developed jointly, whereby industrial scale emissions of CO2 are transported by pipeline for permanent sequestration in geological formations, through technically robust and commercially viable projects.

CEO of Azuli, Hamish Wilson says: “This move allows us to put real impetus into a new phase of growth, looking to leverage the range of opportunities on offer in Australia, where the government has set emissions targets and regulations for carbon sequestration either in place or being rapidly developed.  We value working with pipeline experts in the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group and leveraging our combined expertise to develop first-class CCS projects in a range of locations”.  


We are pleased to continue our relationship with Azuli and we look forward to working with them on various CCS opportunities in Australia”, said AGIG’s Executive General Manager Commercial, Jon Cleary.


For further information please contact:

Tracey Dancy ( on behalf of Azuli International


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