Useful Reports on Carbon Capture and Storage

Bill Senior is one of the world’s leading Carbon Capture and Storage experts with over 20 years of experience and knowledge of the global landscape, projects, geological storage and the policy/regulatory environment.

Here are some of the reports he has written and/or contributed to that you may find interesting.

Meeting the Dual Challenge – A Roadmap to the At Scale deployment of Carbon Capture, Use and Storage, 2019.

Contributor - US National Petroleum Council Report, 2019.


Guidance for CO2 Geological Storage Site Assessment in the People’s Republic of China: ADB- Final Report

Consultants' Reports - December 2014


CO2 Storage Liabilities in the North Sea: An Assessment of Risks and Financial Consequences Framework.

Primary Author - Report for UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, 2012.


European Commission: Guidance Documents 1 and 2  for Implementation of Directive 2009/31/EC on the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide Guidance.

Lead Author for “CO2 Storage Life Cycle Risk Management Framework, Monitoring and Corrective Measures” Reports published by European Commission, 2011


CCS ready policy: considerations and recommended practices for policymakers.

Contributor - Report for Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute, 2014


Main Findings from China UK Near Zero Emissions Coal (NZEC) Initiative.

Lead Author - Presentation and Paper at GHGT-10 Conference, Amsterdam, Sept. 2010


Planning saline reservoir storage developments – the importance of getting started early.

Lead Author - Paper and Poster at GHGT10 Conference, Amsterdam, Sept. 2010

Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide - an Emerging Opportunity

Paper for 7th North Sea Petroleum Geology Conference, London, 2009


IPCC Special Report on CO2 Capture & Storage.

Lead Author. 2005






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